BDP and PropertyHive Integration

Any web site can be integrated with BDP using the existing API. However, one approach that has been historically popular with our clients is to use WordPress as a web content management solution, and to integrate with BDP via existing data import/export routes that are already supported by this third party plugin. Additional features unique […]

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Business rules walkthrough for ESPC Booking Calendar

Before setting your own business rules to manage the Booking Calendar we strongly suggest that you become familiarised with being able to create business rules by reading this help article: BDP Command – Business rules walkthrough We recommend that these are initially set-up in the BDP training environment and NOT in the live environment, please […]

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Configuring the email provider

BDP primarily uses a bulk email service provider; you can also enter your own mail server details. The provider is Mandrill, owned by Mailchimp. We would highly recommend using Mandrill, as this service is integrated with our servers and will give your mail the best possible chance of reaching its destination. The email provider can […]

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Configuring the Property Details widget

The exact contents of the Property Details widget can be controlled through the “Attributes Manager” section in the left-hand  Configuration menu, available to Administrators only. The Attributes Manager is divided into Sales and Lettings. Select the category of interest and drill down into each section by expanding it using the small arrow. The Property Details category […]

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Custom areas

Custom areas are available as part of the address of a property and are designed so that you can define the names of districts or areas relevant to your firm and allow searching on these areas. Automatic allocation of district based on post code is not necessarily suitable and most agencies wish to finesse the […]

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Fee Calculator – Introduction

Fees are in the following categories: Sale Legal fees Sale Estate Agency Fees Sale Outlays Purchase Legal Fees Purchase Outlays You can set numerous ‘parts’ to each fee section labeling as appropriate. Vat on fees are calculated as normal and all costs can be tweaked on a per property basis. You can set whether fee […]

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BDP Rules

BDP has a powerful Rules Engine which allows you to automate documents and emails. You can select any system event and tell BDP to: Create a Word document or PDF based on a template of your making Send an email based on any template you add to your account. We have a large selection of […]

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Checklist setup

BDP features two checklist types – the standard (default) single checklist which simply allows you to create a flat list of items. Alternatively you can activate Multi-Checklists in the Account Configuration widget allowing you to build up a series of different checklists, each with their own unique set of items, which appear in the Tasks […]

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Domain details

If you are using the BDP jQuery snippet in order to output content to your website, BDP needs to know the domain name and website page to which it will be outputting. This is also a security feature which ensures that no other website can carry your property listing. In the Listings Page URL field […]

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Rule Boolean

Rule Boolean allows you to perform logic on rules. Some are ‘Action’ based, whereas others are ‘Property’ based. Please contact ESPC Support to confirm for the rule you wish to create. A practical example of this might be “Has the vendor returned the Money Laundering declaration document? If so, do not process next rule, if […]

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