We have implemented some changes so that BDP better supports HTML in email preamble, having a consistent approach in the following widgets: Business Rules (automated emails) Email Templates Multi Property Email Property Detail Email The following table outline the HTML tags supported. HTML Trigger Event Target Example Preamble <div> A block-level container for other HTML […]
Articles Tagged: email
Configuring the email provider
BDP primarily uses a bulk email service provider; you can also enter your own mail server details. The provider is Mandrill, owned by Mailchimp. We would highly recommend using Mandrill, as this service is integrated with our servers and will give your mail the best possible chance of reaching its destination. The email provider can […]
An introduction to email templates
BDP email templates contain “placeholders” where you want the application to insert information for you. Such information can include names, date & time, addresses, contact information, etc. BDP has it’s own syntax for inserting this information which is usually in the format of section.specific_field, ALWAYS wrapped in double curly brackets {{ }}. BDP also allows […]
Email date placeholder formats
BDP uses the standard PHP Date function to create dates, which enables you to format the date in the way that you choose. For example, an email template contains the following date placeholder: {{ bdDate (action.actionDate,”l, jS F Y”) 1 }} at {{ bdDate (action.actionDate,”H:i”) 1 }} This will display, for example, “Sunday, 5th August […]
Email templates – Examples
We have a number of example templates to help you get started. Please download the ones you want, modify as you see fit and use the file upload function in the BDP templates widget, or upload to a server of your choice. N.B. If you prefer to host the templates yourself, so long as you […]
BDP Rules
BDP has a powerful Rules Engine which allows you to automate documents and emails. You can select any system event and tell BDP to: Create a Word document or PDF based on a template of your making Send an email based on any template you add to your account. We have a large selection of […]
‘Property Match’ email template placeholders
BDP “Property Match” emails placeholders have direct access to the property elements, therefore the syntax for these placeholders is slightly different. Available placeholders are listed below. Place holders are inserted in the form:
1 |
{{ placeHolder }} |
Price: priceTypeLabel outputAskingPrice letFrequency Address: dispAddress formatAddress houseNo streetName addrL2 addrL3 town postcode Images: thumbPath thumbData.w thumbData.h primaryImage showImageCarousel Rooms: bedRooms […]
Email templates – adding Applicant and Vendor placeholders
Applicant placeholders. The Applicant details can be retrieved by prefixing available fields with aContact. For example
1 |
{{ aContact.groupSalutation }} |
will insert the group salutation of the contact. The contact group can be drilled-down into. For example:
1 |
{{ aContact.primaryContact.email1 }} |
will retrieve the email address of the primary contact. Available fields for retrieval are: salutation Contents of the Salutation box if […]