Your administrator can set an email address to receive notifications of failed emails sent from BDP in Configuration. The information contained in the failed emails can be limited. This is generally to prevent bad actors improving their understanding of how to bypass security measures. Sometimes the emails may be deferred for a period of time […]
Category: Email templates
Technical help with email templates
Placeholders for Matching Preamble
The placeholders below can be used in the preamble section in the Multi-Property Emails widget that “holds” the branded templates for Matching emails and the text. To expand each section, click the headings below.
Supporting HTML in email preambles
We have implemented some changes so that BDP better supports HTML in email preamble, having a consistent approach in the following widgets: Business Rules (automated emails) Email Templates Multi Property Email Property Detail Email The following table outline the HTML tags supported. HTML Trigger Event Target Example Preamble <div> A block-level container for other HTML […]
Business rules walkthrough for ESPC Booking Calendar
Before setting your own business rules to manage the Booking Calendar we strongly suggest that you become familiarised with being able to create business rules by reading this help article: BDP Command – Business rules walkthrough We recommend that these are initially set-up in the BDP training environment and NOT in the live environment, please […]
How to use interchangeable blocks of text within email templates
Within the BDP rule builder, it is possible to have interchangeable blocks of text which appear under different conditions. This may be useful if, for example, you want to email the seller of a property to inform them that EITHER a formal OR an informal note of interest (NOI) has been placed on their property. […]
Useful Placeholders
As the system evolves we will be adding new placeholders to ensure that you can customise forms, emails and documents in the greatest detail. We will shortly be bringing out a live document with every placeholder available on BDP. In the meantime this page here will contain the latest additions. propertyDetails.typeNames.0 – This is the ‘Super […]
Complete property Placeholder list
When using BDP Command to send emails you can include almost any data contained in BDP in the email template. The same is true for Word document templates. Developers will also want to make use of this data which is all available via the API. There are additional items available, however because they are not […]
An introduction to email templates
BDP email templates contain “placeholders” where you want the application to insert information for you. Such information can include names, date & time, addresses, contact information, etc. BDP has it’s own syntax for inserting this information which is usually in the format of section.specific_field, ALWAYS wrapped in double curly brackets {{ }}. BDP also allows […]
Email date placeholder formats
BDP uses the standard PHP Date function to create dates, which enables you to format the date in the way that you choose. For example, an email template contains the following date placeholder: {{ bdDate (action.actionDate,”l, jS F Y”) 1 }} at {{ bdDate (action.actionDate,”H:i”) 1 }} This will display, for example, “Sunday, 5th August […]
Email templates – Examples
We have a number of example templates to help you get started. Please download the ones you want, modify as you see fit and use the file upload function in the BDP templates widget, or upload to a server of your choice. N.B. If you prefer to host the templates yourself, so long as you […]