The purpose of this new widget is to allow you to select which items appear in the “Source” dropdown within the viewings and valuation forms. From here, you can begin to track where all your business leads are coming from and adjust your marketing accordingly.
The first time you visit this widget, you’ll have access to the default list of options which are stored in BDP. You’ll be able to customise the list from here and add in anything which is missing. Even better, you’ll then be able to generate reports in BDP to clearly show where your leads are coming from and use this information to generate new business.
To add new items to the list, use the “Click here to add a new option” button, type in your source name and click to save. Your item will now appear in the list with a little pencil icon next to it which allows you to edit the name at any time. There is no limit to the number of items you can have in your list so you can make it as bespoke as you like!
To remove items from the list, simply click on the item you don’t require, and drag it out of the widget. It will instantly disappear from the list. If at any point you want to reinstate previously deleted items, or you delete an item by mistake, just click on the little dustbin icon at the top of the widget. From here, you’ll see a list of everything that’s been removed previously, and you can either leave these options here or use the little tick next to each item to pull it back into the list.
Once you have this widget set up the way you want with all your own options showing, you can start to use your list by clicking on the “More Details” option within both the viewing and valuation forms.
The final step is to create a report to allow you to track where your leads have come from. You’ll want to pull the report based on applicants, so navigate to Contacts and then Applicants. At the top right of the screen you’ll see the “Download CSV” icon. You can use this tool to build a report and include the fields you required, including the new one which is labelled “Lead Source”.