The placeholders below can be used in the preamble section in the Multi-Property Emails widget that “holds” the branded templates for Matching emails and the text. To expand each section, click the headings below.
Category: Property Matching
Property Matching Overview
Matching Properties to Applicants and Applicants to Properties can be done easily in BDP. Automated Rules and Templates Please see your System Adminstrator to arrange to set-up two business rules must be set-up, the information on the rules are in the table below: Event Action Notes Property Set Online Run Property to Applicant Match Need […]
‘Property Match’ email template placeholders
BDP “Property Match” emails placeholders have direct access to the property elements, therefore the syntax for these placeholders is slightly different. Available placeholders are listed below. Place holders are inserted in the form:
1 |
{{ placeHolder }} |
Price: priceTypeLabel outputAskingPrice letFrequency Address: dispAddress formatAddress houseNo streetName addrL2 addrL3 town postcode Images: thumbPath thumbData.w thumbData.h primaryImage showImageCarousel Rooms: bedRooms […]
Multi-property email
When matching properties to an Applicant, it is highly likely that there will be several properties matching their criteria. In this instance you will use the Multi-Property email template to email the details of all matching properties to the applicant. The default template uses the logo you uploaded to the Branding > Logo and Colours widget. This […]