Dynamically Display Images in MS Word

    If you want Microsoft Word to fetch and display an image dynamically from a URL each time the document updates, follow these steps: Step-by-Step Instructions Open a MS Word document and save it, naming it as required. Where you want the image to appear in the MS Word document, press Ctrl + F9 to insert […]

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    Supporting HTML in email preambles

    We have implemented some changes so that BDP better supports HTML in email preamble, having a consistent approach in the following widgets: Business Rules (automated emails) Email Templates Multi Property Email Property Detail Email The following table outline the HTML tags supported. HTML Trigger Event Target Example Preamble <div> A block-level container for other HTML […]

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    Business rules walkthrough for ESPC Booking Calendar

    Before setting your own business rules to manage the Booking Calendar we strongly suggest that you become familiarised with being able to create business rules by reading this help article: BDP Command – Business rules walkthrough We recommend that these are initially set-up in the BDP training environment and NOT in the live environment, please […]

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    Valuation API

    Valuation enquiries processed by the API – this allows firms to have a page on their website where potential clients can request valuations. The system accepts a PUT/request/ with a json payload along the following lines: { “message”: “I would like a valuation please”, “createdDate”: “2017-11-21T12:20:59”, “actionTime”: “2017-11-24T12:20:59”, “valuationRequested”: true, “propertyData”:{ “houseNo”:”1″, “streetName”:”Test Street”, “town”:”Edinburgh”, […]

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