Valuation enquiries processed by the API – this allows firms to have a page on their website where potential clients can request valuations.

The system accepts a PUT/request/ with a json payload along the following lines:

{ “message”: “I would like a valuation please”, “createdDate”: “2017-11-21T12:20:59”, “actionTime”: “2017-11-24T12:20:59”, “valuationRequested”: true, “propertyData”:{ “houseNo”:”1″, “streetName”:”Test Street”, “town”:”Edinburgh”, “postcode”:”EH23DA” }, “contactData”: { “firstName”: “Tom”, “lastName”: “MB”, “tel1”: “0131 123456”, “email”: “” } }

Once this has been run, an unconfirmed valuation will appear in the calendar of the relevant firm’s account. A notification can be sent to the valuer (or property team) using the “Valuation request from API” event type to notify them of the new lead.